Ryan Provencher on Wed, 5 May 1999 10:52:14 -0400 (EDT)

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Hello all

I'm going to be moving into the Philadelphia area by the end of this month
so, with my priorities in order, I seeked out a LUG.
I'm moving down from New Hampshire and the Greater New hampshire Linux
Users Group.  I've been on your list for a few days now and was wondering
if anyone would be so kind as to fill me in on what you guys do, what your
meetings are like, etc...

-Ryan Provencher

Ryan Provencher                 Ryan.Provencher@unh.edu
KTJ Software Development        Work:   (603) 862-1359
HP System Administrator         http://hp9000.iol.unh.edu/~rxp 
Token Ring Consortium          
UNH InterOperability Lab

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