Martin DiViaio on Wed, 5 May 1999 10:52:55 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Great idea

Ron Fountain wrote:
> I am so game it's not even funny...
> >From Mark Sandblade:
> "Well I think we've got enough members that we could start having some
> informal meetings and start doing some hardcore nerding ;-).  Not a
> Robert's Rules of Order type meeting, I dunno maybe pizza and fiddle
> around with our Linux boxes.  Also it would be easier to distribute GLUE
> stuff that way; it would save on postage."

I love this idea too. I have never been a fan of Roger's Rules of Order.
The only thing I would like to ask is that it be out of the first week
of any month. The problem I have found for me going to the formal
meetings is that the first week of any month is extremely difficult for

Ok, where and when?

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  • References:
    • Great idea
      • From: "Ron Fountain" <>