Jeff Dean on Fri, 14 May 1999 14:46:19 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: RH Linux and backlash

I'd have to agree that RH shouldn't be bashed for being
successful.  Fortunately, we're all free to choose the
distribution or services that suit our needs.  A Debian devotee
probably has good reasons, subjective or otherwise, for being so.
Also, we can't forget RedHat's contributions.  For example, as I
understand it RedHat broke the ice with NeoMagic which yielded a
binary-only XFree86 for my laptop and later open source to  That's significant, and whatever pressure RedHat
exerted or resource they provided, it hit home for me personally.
I've also used their free 90-day installation support with good

There are those that seem to imply that factionalizing Linux is
evil, that distributions will compete to the detriment of the OS.
If special flavors are bad should we be complaining about ?  It's a distribution that radically
changes things, but we're all cheering in the background, right?
If RH makes a chunk of change in furthering the cause, my hat's
off to them.

Jeff Dean

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