Tracy Nelson on Thu, 20 May 1999 18:03:56 -0400 (EDT)

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David L. Martin wrote:
> Check out, specifically the "tuning linux" section.
> I completed the IDE config and gained a 50% read speed increase.
> I used to get at 95% system utilization when transfering alot of files
> between drives, now its down below 20% with the DMA enabled.

Has anyone else gotten much improvement from this?  I tried it, and I
actually got better response with 16-bit transfers on my old drive (WD
32500)!  I got marginally better throughput with both 32-bit transfers
and DMA, but nothing outstanding.  Do I have to compile a new kernel to
ensure that I have DMA support?  (I have an Intel VS440FX MB with the
440FX chipset, and I'm using the 2.0.34 kernal as shipped w/RH5.1.)

Also, does anyone have any advice for a (relative) newbie who's thinking
about converting his system to the latest Debian and using it as a
server for a small (7-8 node) network?  I want to set it up to give
everyone net access (IP masquerading, I think), and I'd also like to use
it as a mail and web server.  I'm also considering DSL, anyone using
this yet?

So many questions, so few clues...

-- Tracy Nelson

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  • References:
      • From: "David L. Martin" <>