tburba on Fri, 28 May 1999 11:40:35 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Hooray! Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...

I tried >>     $ X -query serverroombox
Result: XServer: unknown host: mybox
xdm looks tough to set up after looking at the man page. Can you provide
any steps to get me off "top dead center"?
Tom Burba
U.S. Vision, Inc.

rcw@debian.org on 05/28/99 10:54:06 AM

To:   Thomas A Burba/USVISION
cc:   linux-list@ssc.com
Subject:  Re: Hooray! Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...

On Fri, May 28, 1999 at 09:44:16AM -0400, tburba@GLCORPIS01.usvision.com
> Hooray! This is the simplest, most elegant solution I've ever heard!
> Now, for the clincher...How do I see the "ServerRoomBox" gui desktop from
> "MyBox"? Is it an executable itself? MTIA
on MyBox from the command line:
$ X -query serverroombox
note, if this doesn't work you'll need to set up xdm on ServerRoomBox so
that it accepts remote requests.
Robert Woodcock - rcw@debian.org
"Yes I do believe there is a violent thing inside of me" -- Everclear

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