Timothy Peeler on Mon, 31 May 1999 05:31:15 -0400 (EDT)

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Simple Question...

...should have a simple answer...  How would I go about extracting
the serial number from an msdos/fat/vfat cdrom?  The reason I'm
asking is that I've been wanting to play my mercenaries under wine
for the LONGEST time now.  And only recently has wine become stable
enough to even get past the installation.  Now when trying to run
the game it says I need to put the mercenaries cd in.  The only
thing I don't have in my wine.conf file is Serial=xxxxxx.  The
wine documentation is nice about cd-rom information, they even
give example code to extract the info.  Too bad it'll only compile
on win32 (won't compile with wine includes, no stub or anything
for GetVolumeInformationA()).  I'm pretty sure I've seen a native
linux program for extracting this info, but for the life of me I've
not been able to find it anywhere.  Any help would be greatly


Ps. Code would be wonderful!!!

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