Joseph Cheek on Fri, 28 May 1999 15:50:56 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: I was too hasty... (Hooray!) Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-serverquestion...

whoops... before the telnet, issue the following command:

xhost +mybox [i think... or is it xhost +serverroombox?]

try xhost +mybox, i think that's the one that works.


joe wrote:

> Well, I was too hasty... at first, Joseph Cheek's suggestion worked like a
> champ. A second try returned lots of can't open display stuff and don't
> have permission stuff:
>      XLib: connection to "mybox:0.0" refused by server
>      XLib: Client is not authorized to connect to server
>      Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to display
> "mybox:0.0"
> Also, startx failed on the "ServerRoomBox" with the errors
>      fatal server error:
>      No valid modes found
>      X Connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> I tried the same stuff on another pair of boxes and I get the same errors
> as paragraph 1 except that startx still works on each machine locally.
> What gives?
> ---------------------- Forwarded by Thomas A Burba/USVISION on 05/28/99
> 02:02 PM ---------------------------
> Thomas A Burba
> 05/28/99 09:44 AM
> To:
> cc:
> Subject:  Hooray! Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...  (Document
>       link not converted)
> Hooray! This is the simplest, most elegant solution I've ever heard! Kudos!
> Now, for the clincher...How do I see the "ServerRoomBox" gui desktop from
> "MyBox"? Is it an executable itself? MTIA
> Tom Burba
> U.S. Vision, Inc.
> 609-228-1000
> on 05/27/99 05:40:18 PM
> To:   Thomas A Burba/USVISION,
> cc:,
> Subject:  Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...
> this is what i would do:
> 1. start X on mybox.
> 2. open a command prompt [xterm window]
> 3. telnet to serverroombox, log in
> 4. launch any app you want [from the command line, ie type: netscape
> [ENTER]]
> 5. append an & to the end of the command if you want your shell prompt back
> while the app is running.
> make sense?
> thanks!
> joe
>       ___            ___
>    __ | |_   __   __ | |_      __   __   _____  * Joseph Cheek, Director
>   / _)|   \ / _) / _)|  _)    / _) /  \ |     | * or
>  ( (_ | | |(  _)(  _)|  \  _ ( (_ ( () )| |_| | * (877) CHEEK.COM
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>     Cheek Consulting, Seattle, provides Linux and Internet solutions
>    linux * web commerce * html * java * perl * php * informix * mysql
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>;
> <>
> Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 2:28 PM
> Subject: Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Thanks to all for your many responses, but they all seem incomplete. The
> >man pages and the How-tos are great, but they obviously are written by
> >folks that are defining the pieces -- not the steps. (Yes, I RTFMs) Its
> >sort of like trying to learn the English language from the dictionary.
> >Enough griping... Anyway, can anyone recommend the _complete_ steps for
> >_one_ of the X-term connectivity methods you'all wrote about --  when we
> >have the following default stuff set up:
> >     To be used for this example: two RedHat 5.2 boxes that run X
> >successfully on themselves, can easily telnet (character based) to each
> >other via TCPIP.
> >To not confuse client/server terminology with X client and X server
> >terminology here, I am gonna' call them:
> >     "MyBox" where I, as a human want to do the GUI stuff that I can
> >normally do locally at the:
> >     "ServerRoomBox" where I have to trudge through the rain to another
> >building and crawl into a refrigerated room to get to it.
> >
> >I would like to start an X session on MyBox that will magically transport
> >me as though I was sitting in the frozen tundra and actually doing stuff
> at
> >the ServerRoomBox itself. I would want to be able to run anything (Xbased)
> >that I would be able to do locally with frozen fingers in the ServerRoom.
> >
> >If there actually is a document that is clear enough to be step-by-step in
> >this regard please let me know.
> >     A great man once said, "The _really_ important unix stuff is only
> >taught by word of mouth..."
> >Thanks again in advance...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > on 05/17/99 04:09:53 PM
> >
> >To:
> >cc:    (bcc: Thomas A Burba/USVISION)
> >Subject:  !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >On Mon, May 17, 1999 at 11:22:37AM -0700, Eric Leung wrote:
> >> There are a couple of ways to set this up.
> >>
> >> One way is to get your x-term linux box to do an xdm login to another
> >> linux box running xdm. There is a way to start X for xdm login but I
> >can't
> >> remember how. If you do this, your display box will behave truly as an
> >> x-terminal. If someone else remembers what the command line switch is,
> >let
> >> me know!
> >>
> >> The other way is to start x in the usual way on your display box, then
> >> telnet to other boxes in an xterm. You can then launch apps with a
> >display
> >> switch to show them on your display box
> >> (ie: coolxapp -display linux1:0.0 &). Alternatively you can set the
> >> DISPLAY environmental variable.
> >Then there's variation 2.1.
> >-- Make sure nothing on any box where you run apps sets the
> >   DISPLAY variable.
> >-- Launch your apps from the box you're sitting in front of with
> >   the "xon" utility, which will launch any X app but defaults
> >   to xterm.  Thus
> >     xon shindig
> >   launches xterm on host "shindig" with DISPLAY pointing back
> >   at the host where you run xon.
> >   See "man xon" for tricks.
> >I run X apps on three other hosts frequently, a dozen hosts from
> >time to time, all launched from KDE window icons configured to run
> >variations on "xon".
> >--
> >Dan Wilder                          <>
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