C. J. Martoff on Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:32:58 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Too many args for rm *.in

Continuing this thread, I don't actually understand the problem with
rm -rf ray* .  I'd expect this to remove all files with names beginning
ray, right?  Or does it remove all files in all directories below the
current  one with directory names beginning ray, because the r option
makes rm expect a directory name as argument?

If you put in a space "rm -rf ray *" THEN
you're in trouble because it removes file ray and then all other files in
all directories below the current one. 

This kind of thing drives people crazy when trying to take the step from
casual *NIX user to sysmgr or accomplished hacker.  Not least
because consequences of mistakes are so costly. 

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Michael wrote:

> >>  My reply to ray beckler's mail was: 
> > BE CAREFUL!  "rm -rf"  will remove everything in the directory you name and
> > below it, no questions asked.  So just make sure you're in the right place
> > when you issue the command and don't use wildcards.  I did that once, "rm -rf
> > ray*", left out the space between ray and * --- nasty, very nasty.
> You've only done that *once* ?? 
> =)
> _M.
> --
> _Michael_Jastremski_mike@westphila.net__	"I am so game it's not even funny..."
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C. J. Martoff                                   Phone: (215) 204-3180
Professor of Physics, Temple University         FAX:   (215) 204-5652
Barton Hall, Temple University                          
1900 N. Broad St.                               
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6082                                

Web Site: http://nimbus.temple.edu/~cmartoff    
email: cmartoff@nimbus.ocis.temple.edu


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