Barry Spindler on Wed, 2 Jun 1999 12:22:37 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Too many args for rm *.in

I believe thats what was meant, "rm -rf ray *".. I've done something like
that before, rather nasty.. teaches ya to really respect rm :)


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On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, C. J. Martoff wrote:

> Continuing this thread, I don't actually understand the problem with
> rm -rf ray* .  I'd expect this to remove all files with names beginning
> ray, right?  Or does it remove all files in all directories below the
> current  one with directory names beginning ray, because the r option
> makes rm expect a directory name as argument?
> If you put in a space "rm -rf ray *" THEN
> you're in trouble because it removes file ray and then all other files in
> all directories below the current one. 
> This kind of thing drives people crazy when trying to take the step from
> casual *NIX user to sysmgr or accomplished hacker.  Not least
> because consequences of mistakes are so costly. 

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