Vale_Kenny on Fri, 25 Jun 1999 11:33:08 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Re: At the risk of getting flamed to my dying day, I'm going to pose a question...

Bill, I have to agree with Sean, especially since I got the visual of BGates in
a thong and bikini top...*BLECH!!**
Nasty Visual..
Peace All,


>But I would have to vehemently disagree with that person at this point!
>UNIX like a woman?? NT like a stripper?? What the *&%#$@ is going on here?
>Just my .02 cents. . .
>Sean G.

>> on 06/25/99 11:18:29 AM

>>Perhaps UNIX is like a kind, caring, cute girlfriend and NT is like a hot,
>>sleazy stripper...

>>>Is it just my perception of my Wife and women in general, or are there
>>>similarities between the *ahem* gentler gender and UNIX????
>>>Follow me for a moment here....  I'll be taking this from a UNIX first
>>>perspective, as I feel I understand UNIX more thoroughly..
>>>UNIX is multi-tasking, as are women.
>>>UNIX performs exceptionally well, as long as the proper attention is paid
to it.
>>>UNIX carries out tasks that guys usually will not, and often cannot.
>>>UNIX is incredibly complex, and often cryptic.
>>>The shortest requests can have incredibly powerful reactions.
>>>UNIX is constantly in flux.
>>>Many of the tools/capabilities of UNIX are open source, if someone takes
>>>time to read them.
>>>I'm beginning to grasp at straws here, but does anyone here get where I'm
>>>I'm not being sexist, nor am I trying to compartmentalize women for the
sake of
>>>comparison, but this thought just crossed my mind.
>>>In fact, I wonder if a strong understanding on UNIX lends itself to better
>>>interactions with women?  Ladies, verification/refutation?  Are UNIX geeks
good guys?

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