Schaufler, Edward on Fri, 25 Jun 1999 11:25:38 -0400 (EDT) |
I think a more likely comparison would be UNIX as the mood swinging, complex woman that you never understand but still love, and NT as the mean nasty bitch that broke your heart and cleaned out your bank account. -----Original Message----- From: Bill Ainsworth [] Sent: 25 June, 1999 11:18 AM To:;;;; Subject: Re: At the risk of getting flamed to my dying day, I'm going to pose a question... Perhaps UNIX is like a kind, caring, cute girlfriend and NT is like a hot, sleazy stripper... At 03:45 PM 6/24/99 -0400, wrote: >As a C.M.A., I'll be making this comment/question to my wife as well.. >Is it just my perception of my Wife and women in general, or are there many >similarities between the *ahem* gentler gender and UNIX???? > >Follow me for a moment here.... I'll be taking this from a UNIX first >perspective, as I feel I understand UNIX more thoroughly.. >UNIX is multi-tasking, as are women. >UNIX performs exceptionally well, as long as the proper attention is paid to it. >UNIX carries out tasks that guys usually will not, and often cannot. >UNIX is incredibly complex, and often cryptic. >The shortest requests can have incredibly powerful reactions. >UNIX is constantly in flux. >Many of the tools/capabilities of UNIX are open source, if someone takes the >time to read them. > > > >I'm beginning to grasp at straws here, but does anyone here get where I'm comng >from? >I'm not being sexist, nor am I trying to compartmentalize women for the sake of >comparison, but this thought just crossed my mind. >In fact, I wonder if a strong understanding on UNIX lends itself to better >interactions with women? Ladies, verification/refutation? Are UNIX geeks good >guys? > >The corollary to the above is it occurs to me that men are very similar to >DOS...I'll let you draw your own conclusions and examples. > >In fact, I am a longtime suporter of NOW, for the activists out here. > > >Hey, I am occasionally subject to bizzare trains of thought, and this is one of >them, I hope all of the female geeks will forgive me. > > > >Peace, >Vale > > >P.S. >The list has been kinda dead for a few days, so I figgured I'd liven it up a >bit...there are whole boatloads of threads that can be spawned pun >intended.. >V > *\----- When I see you I see a new star in the Sky -----/* _______________________________________________ Plug maillist -