Joel A. Matz on Fri, 9 Jul 1999 07:57:14 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Cheap Modems

I can't relate to people who want to pay more money than they have to. 
I've bought the cut-rate computer store's crappy house brand modem every
time I wanted to upgrade & never had a single problem.  They cost about
1/3 the price & they are hardware configured. 

If you really feel like kissing off money you can always send a check to
the Buy Joel A Harley Foundation.

"Roger C. Scudder Jr." wrote:
> I simply can not relate to the folks who purchase the cheapest modems
> they can find.  I have always used USRobotics modems.  Over the years
> I have observed people using cheap modems, like the ones with the
> rockwell chipsets, go through all sorts of strange problems connecting
> to other specific modems.  I have never had a problem... never in the
> past 6 years that I have been using USR modems.
> I don't want to start a modem war... only wanted to put in my 2 cents
> worth.  :-)
> Enjoy,
> Roger
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