Walt Mankowski on Tue, 13 Jul 1999 00:01:23 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Debian Install Problems

On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 04:56:11AM -0500, Chuck Peters wrote:
> The details are sketcy at the moment, but I seem to recall having a
> problem where the CD put all the packages in one directory and that it did
> not match the indices file exactly.  At
> http://debian.midco.net/debian/indices/ it looks like they have broken up
> the indices into the main, contrib and non-free sections and the CD may
> contain a mix of the various sections.

Thanks for the help.  I'm running Cheap Bytes "Essential Debian 2.1".
I don't know if I said that in my initial post.

I followed your instructions and the Packages file on the CD looked

> Press the I key.

I was getting the "i" and "I" keys confused.  Can't imagine why... ;-)
Here's what the online help has to say:

	i, I  toggle/cycle info displays

Sure makes it seem like they do the same thing, doesn't it?

> Sorry I have never set up a printer, although my Dad wants me to set up
> his for him. Let us know how it goes

I wonder if I can just copy over my Red Hat config...

> I have always recompiled the kernel, and sound was the hardest part as it
> needed a couple dma's io, irq and figuring out what the parameters was a
> bit of a chore if I remember correctly.  It's been a while since I have
> done it and it was on the 2.0 kernels, but I don't remember having to add
> any devices for the sound. 

I was hoping there might be some sound support out of the box, but I
guess not.  Luckily I know what all the settings need to be (sound is
working fine on my RH partition).

> > - What's the rationale for not making /tmp world-writeable?  Debian
> >   sets up man to put its temp files in /tmp, but then doesn't let
> >   regular users write to /tmp!
> You have me confused here, all the users can write to /tmp.
> drwxrwxrwt   7 root     root         3072 Jul 12 07:40 tmp

The default permissions on my tmp dir were


> > - What's debian's equivalent of .Xdefaults?  I hate the defaults they
> >   have for xterms.
> I like the small print fine, but Kathy doesn't have such good eyes and we
> setup her .xinitrc file with the following.
> xclock -digital -font vga11x19 &
> xterm -ls -rv -fn vga -geometry 79x25+25+0 -title "Mintaka xterm" &
> eterm  &
> fvwm2

That's not exactly what I was looking for, but I did figure this one
out myself.  Red Hat uses .Xdefaults; Debian uses .Xresources.  The
file, BTW, is a collection of default settings for various X programs.
You can add a line such as


and all your xterms will default to the 9x15 font.

> > - How tough is it to upgrade to a 2.2.* kernel?
> It's not hard, use make-kpkg to build your kernel as a Debian package. 
> But I would not recommend it because the stable distribition hasn't made
> the move to 2.2 yet.  If you still want to do it, there is something about
> some of the stuff that gets broken on the Debian pages. 

It would be cool if it were as simple as recompiling.  It was a little
more involved to upgrade RH 5.2.  I needed to update a bunch of
libraries and packages before I could move up to a 2.2 kernel.

> > - Where can I find more up-to-date packages?  The version of Window
> >   Maker in Debian 2.1 is ancient, for instance.
> wmaker 0.20.3-5 is the stable version listed on the website.

Yes, I saw that.  That's the version I have installed right now.
Unfortunately, that version dates all the way back to the beginning of
December and was already pretty old when they cut the CD in March.


Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net