Jaiwant Mulik on Thu, 22 Jul 1999 10:13:34 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Meeting Organization (was Re: [Plug] FAQ)


I am a Temple Grad student and just joined this list. Since I would like
the meetings to be useful to eveybody, including myself, am willing to
contribute my 2 bit. Willing to co-ordinate speakers or other legwork as


Jaiwant Mulik                             Home : (215) 232-1024
Room 203, 1928 N Broad St.                Email: jmulik@unix.temple.edu
Philadelphia, PA                               : jmulik@hotmail.com
USA 19121                                      : jmulik@acm.org
Office hours : No currently scheduled hours, by appt. only.
Location     : Room 1000M, Wachman Hall.       Phone : (215) 204-3768
Home page    : http://members.tripod.com/~jaiwant
Lekin woh zindagi he kya, jisme koi namumkin sapna na ho ?           

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Chris Fearnley wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your feedback.  There have some ``bad'' meetings that went
> the way that you describe.
> PLUG needs meeting topics.  We have done too much Q&A.  At the last
> meeting we (finally) had several people offer to prepare topics for
> future meetings.  Thank you one and all!  I hope that everyone else is
> considering what topics they would like to present.
> LeRoy and I have been too busy to do all of the organizing needed to
> make PLUG the success that it should be.  But we are willing (anxious
> even) to work with volunteers.  Does anyone feel that they can organize
> the meeting speakers and topics?  Do the legwork to confirm the speaker
> ... and get that information to LeRoy so that he can update the web
> page and make the announcements in a timely fashion (it is hard to make
> an announcement when you don't know if the speaker is going to show)?
> Vale, I was thinking about asking you if this task would interest you.
> You have so much energy and are such a strong supporter of PLUG!
> Also, it would be great if someone could take notes and prepare and
> publish minutes to the meetings.  Any volunteers?
> Also, it would be good if those people who are prone to start and
> participate in the ``cocktail party jabbering'' would be more
> considerate to people like Tom who come for a group experience.  When
> we have Q&A, I consciously try to make several passes of the room to
> make sure that everyone has a say.  There is no need to start private
> conversations during the meeting, just raise your hand!  Please save
> the private conversations for after the meeting.  Tom is not the first
> person who has complained about this problem.  Happily, I can report
> that the last several meetings have gone very well in this regard.
> Thanks, Tom for helping to bring these issues to our attention.
> On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 05:38:37PM -0400, Thomas E. Keiser wrote:
> > Jason:
> >     I intended to send the message to Laktar off-line, and Netscape was addressed
> > that way. After clicking send, it decided that since this was a reply, it should go
> > to the group, and changed the addressee. Rather than get into a bunch of flame wars,
> > let me simply say that a meeting should be planned, and orderly, and people should
> > not just form little groups and chatter. I've run two user groups for many years,
> > and though it's sometimes a pain, you need to know what's on the agenda, and do it.
> > It's fine to get sidetracked, if everyone is interested in the fork in the road; but
> > cocktail party jabbering is not a meeting in my opinion.
> -- 
> Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet Consulting
> cjf@netaxs.com                   |  Design Science Revolutionary
> http://www.CJFearnley.com        |  Explorer in Universe
>                   "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller
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