Nick R on Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:07:52 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] US Robotics Modems etc, and a question..

There isn't anything to stop a Winmodem from working under Linux. Before I get flamed for that, please read the rest of what I have to say. A Winmodem is cheaper to make (slightly) because it turns over a lot of responsibility to the CPU. This takes away the standard interface for the modem that has existed since the dawn of time (almost). It requires special input and output that has been built into the Windows drivers and that won't be shared w/ people who write Linux drivers. They could be reverse engineered, but those who are good enough to write Linux drivers don't want to encourage that kind of unstandardizing and would never buy a crappy Winmodem anyway. It's a stupid and shortsighted way to do things.

Subject: Re: [Plug] US Robotics Modems etc, and a question..
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 14:35:54 -0400

Indeed, there is noncurrent method to force Winmodems to function within Linux.
There is probably virtually 0 interest for it as well. Your best bet is to get
an additional modem, internal or external, doesn't matter, depends on
preference, and make sure it is *not* a winmodem. If you have a dual boot
system, and would like an internal modem, there is nothing stopping you from
gettting an internal. Windows will function just fine with a healthy, whole
modem as it will with a crippled modem reliant on the system CPU and OS to make
it function, so you can ditch your WinModem if you like..

Here's the question...not that I'd get one, but what is to prevent a modem maker
from making a Lin-modem? Is it the way in which Linux interracts with the
serial ports?


"Jason M. Lenthe" <> on 07/22/99 02:25:00 PM
Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Vale Kenny/Cntrct/VGI)
Subject:  Re: [Plug] US Robotics Modems and Red Hat Linux 6.0

Jeff, From what I have read winmodems are only "half a modem" because they require a special windows driver to do work that is done in hardware in regular modems. So I doubt there is any hope of getting it work with linux. Sorry dude.

At 01:59 PM 7/22/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I am interested in getting modem connectivity going on my new Linux box.
>However, the only modems I have handy are of the US Robotics Winmodem
>variety which are not on the list of supported modems for Red Hat 6.0.
>Before I go out and get an external modem I was wondering if anyone has
>found a way to get them to work with Red Hat or could perhaps point me
>to a document that could help me out.
>Best Regards,
>Jeff Tanara
>Plug maillist  -

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