Morgan Wajda-Levie on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:49:20 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] telnetting around a firewall - non-technical considerations

I'd like to apologize for starting this thread.  I completely
understand how breaking around a school firewall can be considered
very immoral by some, and would often agree with them.  It was stupid
of me to bring this question to the list, as this list should not be
used for a cracker's resource.  In my mind when I posted the message
it was not that bad, but I can definately see where you are coming

Just for the record, I have been dealing with the sysadmin on trying
to find a good solution for me to be able to program and such during
frees without compromising his security.  he has some pretty bullshit
arguments, but then again, he doesn't need to let me telnet to my home

So there's my little apoplogy.  Thank you for your time and opinions.
Morgan Wajda-Levie
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