Helen Thompson on Thu, 2 Dec 1999 08:49:42 -0500 (EST)

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[Plug] Re: I got to the platform about 30 seconds after the last train was schedualed to depart.

Next time, remind him he can call me and I will rescue him.

Silly.  :P

Date sent:      	Thu, 2 Dec 1999 02:08:03 -0500 (EST)
From:           	Darxus <darxus@Op.Net>
To:             	plug@lists.nothinbut.net
Subject:        	I got to the platform about 30 seconds after the last train was
	schedualed to depart.

> When I said that folks were welcome to hang out after the official 9pm end
> of the meeting, I was indeed serious.
> Unfortunately, the clock the last few of us were going by was about 15
> minutes slow.
> This was realized at about 11:45.  My last train home leaves at 11:55.
> It's about 9 blocks, and a bunch of stairs, from the IQ Group.
> I'm very out of shape.. I do no regular physical activity.
> By the time I got to the stairs down to Market East station, I could not
> feel my legs below the knee.
> As I went down the stairs, I held on to the railing for dear life, not at
> all confident my legs would get me safely to the bottom.  Thinking back,
> I feel rather fortunate to have survived.
> I think I got to the top of the stairs to the train platform at about
> 11:54 -- the display that usually shows train arrival times not only did
> not show my train, but was, in fact, off.  
> Moment of panic.
> Keep going.
> Hmm, people on the platform.
> Either they're all stupid and waiting for a train that isn't coming, or
> has already come, or may yet come.
> Get down to the platform -- septa clock says about 11:55:30 -- 30 seconds
> after the train is scheduled to depart.
> Studied the monitor display things more thoroughly -- the one that usually
> shows my train is still off down on the platform -- the display on track
> 1.  The display on track 2, however, blinked up a message saying all
> trains which usually board on track 1 will board on track 2.  That message
> goes away... next train to arrive is mine... at 11:55.  Okay, now did it
> already come & go, & they forgot to clear it, or is it still coming ?
> "Next train to board on track 2, 11:55 Lansdale local" (my train!!)
> A minute later, my train pulls up, on track one (they announced it wrong,
> the display was correct)
> During this time -- from about 11:55:30, until a while after the train
> pulled off (with me very thankfully on it), I got to realize I wasn't sure
> if I was going to throw up.  I did not feel well.
> It's still slightly painful to take a deep breath.
> So I get back to my house... I can't get the door open.  
> My parents are home.
> I ring the door bell.  Some more.  I knock.  Some more.  Check all the
> doors on the house to make sure none were left open.  knock/ring....
> pound.
> Pound some more.
> And some more.
> And I want my warm bed or I'm really going to have to kill people.
> Finally the door is opened.. they let me in my house... I briefly explain
> the suffering I've been though, and disappear into my room.
> I get to my computer.  I see these IRC messages from my girlfriend:
>  brat.
>  wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
>  dammit.
>  what does it take to wake you up when i'm feeling lonely??
> Argh.  I attempt to respond:
>  hello ?
>  I was 30 seconds late for the last train out of philly
>  when I got home, the button pad thing wouldn't open the garage door, so I
>  pounded on the front door for like, 15 minutes in the cold until somebody finally opened it
>  I was, unfortunately, NOT asleep
> I can only assume that by the time I attempted to respond, she was asleep,
> because I got no responce.  Do I deserve this ?  Do I try not to scream ?
> I hope you read down this far, becaus other than needing to rant, I really
> wanted to say I really enjoyed the conversations from 9pm until I left --
> which is usually the case for me -- I enjoy the unofficial gathering &
> discussing that goes on after the official part of the meeting, which is
> why I will continue to, whenever possible, invite people to hang out after
> the meeting.
> BLOODY.  So I can catch my train.
> Were the discussions worth the agony ?  NO.  But the discussions plus the
> lesson, may possibly have been.  
> Okay, now the reason I enjoy the discussions.  I go to PLUG meetings to
> learn, to teach, and to socialize.  I have no desire to push Linux as an
> operating system, only to increase it's use, and the salaries of Linux
> consultants.  But I like linux, and the contribution I feel I can make
> best is to attempt to nourish the culture surrounding it.
> So if it can be arranged, I incourage you to plan on not leaving exactly
> at 9pm next time.  
> Who was it that said they had a digital camera ?  Can you bring it next
> time ?  Anybody object to having their picture taken & put on a plug
> members page ?
> Also, if you need somebody to webhost your resume, there's a guy who's
> name I've forgotten (which is no surprise to me) who is willing to host
> it.
> A talk on emacs is planned for February.  January is currently scheduled
> as a "Round Table Discussion" until we find a speaker.
> __________________________________________________________________
> PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
>             darxus@op.net / http://www.op.net/~darxus
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Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net