Darxus on Thu, 2 Dec 1999 02:08:20 -0500 (EST)

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[Plug] I got to the platform about 30 seconds after the last train was schedualed to depart.

When I said that folks were welcome to hang out after the official 9pm end
of the meeting, I was indeed serious.

Unfortunately, the clock the last few of us were going by was about 15
minutes slow.

This was realized at about 11:45.  My last train home leaves at 11:55.

It's about 9 blocks, and a bunch of stairs, from the IQ Group.

I'm very out of shape.. I do no regular physical activity.


By the time I got to the stairs down to Market East station, I could not
feel my legs below the knee.

As I went down the stairs, I held on to the railing for dear life, not at
all confident my legs would get me safely to the bottom.  Thinking back,
I feel rather fortunate to have survived.

I think I got to the top of the stairs to the train platform at about
11:54 -- the display that usually shows train arrival times not only did
not show my train, but was, in fact, off.  

Moment of panic.

Keep going.

Hmm, people on the platform.

Either they're all stupid and waiting for a train that isn't coming, or
has already come, or may yet come.

Get down to the platform -- septa clock says about 11:55:30 -- 30 seconds
after the train is scheduled to depart.

Studied the monitor display things more thoroughly -- the one that usually
shows my train is still off down on the platform -- the display on track
1.  The display on track 2, however, blinked up a message saying all
trains which usually board on track 1 will board on track 2.  That message
goes away... next train to arrive is mine... at 11:55.  Okay, now did it
already come & go, & they forgot to clear it, or is it still coming ?

"Next train to board on track 2, 11:55 Lansdale local" (my train!!)

A minute later, my train pulls up, on track one (they announced it wrong,
the display was correct)

During this time -- from about 11:55:30, until a while after the train
pulled off (with me very thankfully on it), I got to realize I wasn't sure
if I was going to throw up.  I did not feel well.

It's still slightly painful to take a deep breath.

So I get back to my house... I can't get the door open.  

My parents are home.

I ring the door bell.  Some more.  I knock.  Some more.  Check all the
doors on the house to make sure none were left open.  knock/ring....

Pound some more.

And some more.


And I want my warm bed or I'm really going to have to kill people.

Finally the door is opened.. they let me in my house... I briefly explain
the suffering I've been though, and disappear into my room.

I get to my computer.  I see these IRC messages from my girlfriend:

 wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
 what does it take to wake you up when i'm feeling lonely??

Argh.  I attempt to respond:

 hello ?
 I was 30 seconds late for the last train out of philly
 when I got home, the button pad thing wouldn't open the garage door, so I
 pounded on the front door for like, 15 minutes in the cold until somebody finally opened it
 I was, unfortunately, NOT asleep

I can only assume that by the time I attempted to respond, she was asleep,
because I got no responce.  Do I deserve this ?  Do I try not to scream ?

I hope you read down this far, becaus other than needing to rant, I really
wanted to say I really enjoyed the conversations from 9pm until I left --
which is usually the case for me -- I enjoy the unofficial gathering &
discussing that goes on after the official part of the meeting, which is
why I will continue to, whenever possible, invite people to hang out after
the meeting.

BLOODY.  So I can catch my train.

Were the discussions worth the agony ?  NO.  But the discussions plus the
lesson, may possibly have been.  

Okay, now the reason I enjoy the discussions.  I go to PLUG meetings to
learn, to teach, and to socialize.  I have no desire to push Linux as an
operating system, only to increase it's use, and the salaries of Linux
consultants.  But I like linux, and the contribution I feel I can make
best is to attempt to nourish the culture surrounding it.

So if it can be arranged, I incourage you to plan on not leaving exactly
at 9pm next time.  

Who was it that said they had a digital camera ?  Can you bring it next
time ?  Anybody object to having their picture taken & put on a plug
members page ?

Also, if you need somebody to webhost your resume, there's a guy who's
name I've forgotten (which is no surprise to me) who is willing to host

A talk on emacs is planned for February.  January is currently scheduled
as a "Round Table Discussion" until we find a speaker.

PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
            darxus@op.net / http://www.op.net/~darxus
             Find the next largest prime, be famous:

Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net