Mental on Wed, 5 Jan 2000 23:17:15 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] priority with ip masq

On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 11:08:47PM -0500, Christian Betz wrote:
> I have a little situation with my sister hogging all the bandwidth of my
> ip masqed 56k connection. I would like to give my ip priority or at least
> divide up the 53.3k evenly between us so that one computer cannot steal
> all the bandwidth. What package should I use to accomplish this. Does such
> a package exist, and where can I find it or its documentation?

Check out shaper.txt in the 2.2 kernel under Documentation/networking.
Also check out the QOS/TOS flags you can enable/disable in the kernal 
for setting priority on certain types of traffic. Also check routing.txt
and policy-routing.txt in the same directory. Finally, have a peek at 
the perinent howtos.


"you make insanity respectable."
--Helcat on the subject of Mental.

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