Aarune J. Oracle on Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:39:33 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] Red Hat 6.1 deluxe

Try using XF86Setup to fine tune your X setup (if you have the package
installed)  It got me up to 1024x768x32 when Xconfigurator only got me to


Time is Irrelevant to the worlds beyond this godforsaken place unto which
it destroys all.
		-Aarune J. Oracle

it's the same old story; boy meets beer, boy drinks beer... boy gets another beer.
		-- Cheers

narcolepulacyi, n.:
The contagious action of yawning, causing everyone in sight to also yawn.
                -- "Sniglets", Rich Hall & Friends

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Vettese, Nick A wrote:

:Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:32:29 -0500
:From: "Vettese, Nick A" <NAVETTESE@delinvest.com>
:Reply-To: plug@lists.nothinbut.net
:To: "'plug@lists.nothinbut.net'" <plug@lists.nothinbut.net>
:Subject: [PLUG] Red Hat 6.1 deluxe
:I am having a problem, and I know that this was probably discussed way back
:when, but I need a little guidance.  I am install RH6.1 deluxe.  When I
:choose the GNOME Workstation it won't even allow me to choose 640x480(okay
:it lets me choose it, but the test fails).  In 6.0 deluxe, I was able to
:have a resolutioon of 1024x768 24bit.  When I choose KDE Workstation I get a
:whopping 800x600, which might a well be 640x480, because it doesn't look any
:better.  Does anyone know of any issues with this?  Is there a way to use
:6.1 and make it look like 6.0?  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
:Nicholas A. Vettese
:PC Specialist
:Delaware Investments
:PLUG maillist  -  PLUG@lists.nothinbut.net

PLUG maillist  -  PLUG@lists.nothinbut.net