Joel A. Matz on Mon, 24 Jan 2000 09:04:28 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] Bellatlantic ADSL

I had a Bell Atlantic ADSL when I lived in Collegeville.  It used a
static IP associated to your account by the MAC of the NIC you
registered with them.  I had no problem getting it to work with RH 5.2. 
I think IP masq would have been easy also, but I didn't try it at the


Laurence Sigmond wrote:
> Dear Plug-ers,
> My Dad has a Linux system and my Mom's Windows system is connected to
> Bellatlantic ADSL service.  I want to switch the ADSL to my Dad's machine
> and then have my Mom's connect through his via a second ethernet card.
> Looking at my Mom's setup, it looks like the connection to Bellatlantic
> is a VPN.  Has anyone tried hooking a Linux system to BA's ADSL?  Gotten
> it to work?  I would appreciate any suggestions including "don't bother."
> People at Bellatlantic say they have no objection to me doing what I plan if I
> can get it to work without their help.
>         Sincerely,
>         Laurence
> --
> Laurence Sigmond       215 843 8747
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