Chuck Peters on Mon, 24 Jan 2000 22:08:34 -0500 (EST) |
Anyone know a good local laptop vendor who supports Linux? Or does anyone have recommendations where or what to get? It seems lots of places have windows laptops, but I haven't found any local vendors selling Linux. Dell sells one, but it's pricey. What would be really nice is that a good linux vendor also know something about digital cameras and could recommend one. I asked Mark Merlin if he had some recommendations for a laptop and digital camera. He said "I've been using the Ricoh RDC 4300. It's nice and compact. 1280x960 or 640x480 with a 3X optical zoom. However, since it's almost a year old, it's obsolete now, they are lost of brand new models I don't know about :-) All I'd say is to get one with compactflash or smartmedia and a PCMCIA adapter as it lets you see the card as a hard drive in your linux laptop instead of spending about 1H to download 16M over a serial port." Thanks, Chuck ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements - General Discussion -