Michael C. Toren on Wed, 8 Mar 2000 20:08:29 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] how do I get a list of newsgroups ?

> touch news.in ; tail -f news.in | telnet news.op.net 119 > news.groups & ; echo list >> news.in

This can be greatly simplified if you have netcat installed:

[mct@access:(919) ~]$ echo list | nc -v -v netnews.netaxs.com nntp
news.netaxs.com [] 119 (nntp) open
200 netaxs.newsread.com InterNetNews NNRP server INN 1.4unoff4 05-Mar-96 ready (posting ok).
215 Newsgroups in form "group high low flags".
3b.test 0000049311 0000041967 y
a.bsu.programming 0000153749 0000119292 y
a.bsu.religion 0000085647 0000055503 y
a.bsu.talk 0000039082 0000036456 y
a2i.ba.jobs.offered 0000006811 0000006811 y
ab.general 0000085333 0000063961 y
