Darxus on Wed, 5 Apr 2000 13:56:51 -0400 (EDT)

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[PLUG] pictures at today's meeting

It looks like I will finally have a digital camera at tonight's meeting.
I'll probably try to take pictures of all of you, to put on the member's
page.  If you have a problem with this, just tell me.  I also plan to
collect email addresses, names, and URLs to go w/ the pictures.

PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
            darxus@op.net / http://www.op.net/~darxus
        There is no fine line between genius and insanity.

Philadelphia Linux Users Group       -       http://plug.nothinbut.net
Announcements - http://lists.nothinbut.net/mail/listinfo/plug-announce
General Discussion   -   http://lists.nothinbut.net/mail/listinfo/plug