Vettese, Nick A on Mon, 12 Jun 2000 08:26:50 -0400 (EDT) |
I am with Tony. Although the questions may seem (stupid, weak, easy, etc...) for you and maybe others, the questions that some people are asking are (hard, advanced, technological, etc...) to people who have never used Linux or are just starting. THere is nothing wrong with helping them, and then telling them where you may have gotten your answer from. Or helping them and pointing them in the right direction for further help. This is more a community than a democracy, and I believe that we should help others, and if you do not want to then don't. Nick -----Original Message----- From: Tony Dominello [] Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2000 11:17 PM To: Subject: Re: [PLUG] Newbie Questions Nicolai Rosen wrote: > I wasn't going to say anything to avoid starting a flame war *sigh*, but > I've noticed a fairly large number of questions that should not have to > have been asked to such a large number of people. If you're having a > problem, then please first check man pages, try command --help, read > howtos, and use and the program's web site to see if > your answer can be found before you send e-mail to a few dozen people. <CLUE> Sometimes even a seasoned man/HOWTO/helpfile reader cannot seem to fine the right answer. Sometimes knowing what question to ask is a question in itself. Sometimes *which* HOWTO, etc. applies to a given situation is not readily apparent to newbies-- or even not-so-newbies. Let's face it-- navigating all the various help files to gather information about a specific problem is a talent. Once found, a given document isn't always helpful. Well-organized and well-written documentation is rare in any sector. I feel bad for any newbie who might have read your message as maybe one of the first things s/he saw on this mailing list. You seem to be saying "Don't bother us with stupid questions-- it's all documented. Somewhere." Part of the mission of any LUG is to dialog with newbies and bring them into the fold. Newbies do, by nature, ask questions that seem-- to more enlightened members like you-- to be rather obvious. </CLUE> Respectfully Submitted, Tony Recovering Newbie ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements - General Discussion - ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements - General Discussion -