Bill Jonas on Sun, 27 Aug 2000 16:46:29 -0400 (EDT)

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RE: [PLUG] PGP ADK Vulnerability.

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Charles Stack wrote:

>The source code for PGP 5.5+ is not available for review as it is closed
>The source for RSA's products are also closed source.  If you want access to
>those sources, be prepared to fork over $25K for each product in question.

Are you sure about that?  It was my impression that they are "viewable
source"; ie, Open Source but not Free Software (analogous, I suppose, to
the SCSL).

In fact, consider the previous method by which PGP was exported; I'm
sure most people know, so I won't go into it here.  But unless they
published the book only for themselves and did not sell it to the
public, then it would seem that the source code is available.  Perhaps
you're thinking of a license to *use* the source?

If I'm mistaken here, please correct me.

>BTW...there's a black van across the street. <G>  And...yes...I've seen
>black helicopters, too. <g>

What does it mean if some evenings you see a red dot?  <g>

>Ever heard of .cshrc?             | "Linux means never having to delete
That's a city in Bosnia. Right?    |  your love mail." -- Don Marti
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