Jason Costomiris on Tue, 29 Aug 2000 16:05:04 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [PLUG] crypt.h

On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 10:13:14AM -0400, William G. Zappasodi wrote:
: crypt.h gives me an error when I run make. Trying to install mysql in slack
: 4. I installed descrypt package, I tried commenting out the offending line.
: Nothing. Any other suggestions would be helpful.
: Thanks.

I'm fairly certain that you'll never get mysql to compile on that dreadfully
OLD release.  No glibc, no proper threads (which BTW, mysql requires 

You should really get a more up to date release first...

Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 

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