Chris on Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:59:40 -0400 (EDT)

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RE: [PLUG] RE: USB ethernet

I now have the modules up and running.  The pegasus.o module loads fine when
i do it manually with insmod.  When i try to bring up eth0 with 'ifup eth0'
it says 'delaying eth0'.  I looked at the /proc/bus/usb/devices and drivers
files and everything loads correctly.  I am now running a patched kernel
from 2.2.16 to 2.4 backport USB.  If anyone has experience with this i
really need your help.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Chris Nagele
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 8:05 PM
Subject: RE: [PLUG] RE: USB ethernet

OK.  This is so much harder than i thought it would be.  I did a 'lsmod' and
realized that the module did not start after boot.  So i attempted to do an
'insmod' to reload the pegasus module.  When I did that it could not find
it.  I decided to downlaod the latest verion of the module (pegasus.c) and
overwrite the existing pegasus.c in /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb directory.
When i did that and ran 'make modules' and 'make modules_install' I did an
'lsmod' once again.  This time the module was found.  I got real excited and
did an 'ifconfig eth0' but it failed.  I decided to reboot and
see if the module loaded.  When the prompt came up i did an 'lsmod' and it
wasn't there anymore.  I decided to see if i could reload it and ran 'insmod
pegasus' again and it could not find it. I tried running make
modules/modules_install again and then doing insmod but it still can't find
it. I am stuck.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Bill Jonas
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 6:49 PM
Subject: RE: [PLUG] RE: USB ethernet

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Chris Nagele wrote:

>I configured the kernel to use pegasus as a module.  The following is the
>         hub
>         usbdevfs

Hmm... try the following sequence of commands (as root):
insmod pegasus
ifconfig eth0 <your stuff goes here>

If the ifconfig doesn't work, check the contents of the USB device file
again and make sure that it shows the pegasus driver.  It sounds like
the USB subsystem is detecting the device at boot time, but doesn't load
the driver.  If insmod doesn't find the pegasus driver, do "find
/lib/modules/<your kernel version here> -name 'pegasus*'", and use that
instead (less the '.o' at the end).  If it doesn't find it, change back
into your kernel source directory and do (again, as root) "make modules"
followed by "make modules_install".  Then repeat the 'insmod' and
'ifconfig' commands.  Hopefully, this will work.  If it does, all that
remains is to put the insmod in your boot scripts so your module will
load automatically at boot time.  (If you use Debian, I can help.  If
not, then someone else here will be able to shed light on it.)

Let me know how it goes.

>Ever heard of .cshrc?             | "Linux means never having to delete
That's a city in Bosnia. Right?    |  your love mail." -- Don Marti
(Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc  |
on the intuitiveness of commands.) |

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