la keuf on Mon, 2 Oct 2000 18:42:42 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [PLUG] Re: SJLUG Anyone? ;)

Nicholas Vettese wrote:

> We are meeting tonight at the Camden County college, in Cherry Hill NJ. The
> campus is located on Rt. 70 and Springdale Rd.  The time is 7-9, and website
> is
> Nick

Heh, wow. ;).  Thats quite a coincidence, seems like we both started LUG's
the same time for similar reasons ;).

hmm...well, if I had known about this meeting a little earlier than oh, lets
say 6:15 the
night of, I would have tried to find a ride there, however, that doesn't seem
to be the
case unfortunately.

So then what's your take?  I have about a 6 or so person following, though as
of yet, my
largest meeting was 3 ;).  But I think much of that is due in part to location,
the rest
to advertisement.  In any case, do I smell a merger, or  two groups living
peacefully, or
a hostile takeover ;)? (or might i just smell someone who could provide me
at least? ;))


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