Bill Jonas on Mon, 23 Oct 2000 12:51:33 -0400 (EDT)

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I'm going to copy this to the PLUG list; I recall a gentleman there who had
a couple of laptops he was willing to sell, IIRC.  (This was maybe a couple
of months ago.)

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 12:49:44PM -0400, wrote:
> Dear Linux devotees: 
>         I am trying to turn lemons into lemonade. 
>         I have recently had a (WINDSOWS) laptop computer stolen and must 
> replace it in shot order for taking school notes. I have tried
> unsucessfully to 
> move to LINUX in the past. 
>         A LINUX laptop would be a good way to get my feet wet 
> as I only need to work with get TWO functions: Word Perfect and
> file managment (sharing DOS compatible floppies with my classmates) 
>         I would like to find a LAPTOP with LINUX installed running 
> WORD PERFECT at a reaonable price. 
>         I will not try to install this myself as I have wrecked my desk
> top 
> WINDOWS system at least 4 times trying unsuccessfuily to get a useful 
> LINUX installation and CANNOT afford to screw up a laptop. 
>         While DELL and IBM claim to be LINUX freindly, neither will sell 
> a LINUX machine for under $2200 - way over my budget.
>         I'd appreciate any guidance you might give me before I just bite
> the 
> bullet and buy the cheapest used WINDOIWS machine I can find to get the
>  job done. (I know where I can find a useable WINDOWS machine for under 
> $400 - I am willing to go higher ti get started on LINUX) 
> Arthur Newmark 

Bill Jonas                | "If you haven't gotten where you're going,        |  you aren't there yet." --George Carlin |

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