M. Simons on Sun, 3 Dec 2000 18:07:56 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Preparing for the next meeting

> > Requirements are latest Browser and support for Active X
> So you're offering to webcast a Linux meeting, but you're not supporting
> Linux ?   I appreciate the offer, but find it ammusing.  

I'm glad SOMEONE noticed this and made a comment... it had me searching
for "Active X for Linux" given, I did find references.. 

It did have me wondering however whether he was just sort-of-spamming
every group/meeting/event list he could find, without thinking about what
the groups are actually about. 

I don't know what the actual requirements of his webcast is... the vspan
website makes mention that you can use a Real media player...


Philadelphia Linux Users Group       -      http://www.phillylinux.org
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