Anderson, Tim TL33E on Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:17:40 -0500

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top and threads (was RE: [PLUG] Re: PLUG digest, Vol 1 #754 - 13 msgs)

Can't remember if I mentioned this here or on another list, so apologies for
possibly repeating myself.

>Talking about memory, I've been using the Gnome System Monitor to check mem
>usage off and on.  I've noticed that 2 apps in particular use way too much
>Netscape 6 (which I don't run much anymore) and S Office 5.2.   They seem
>load up into between 100-200Mb RAM to begin with.

My understanding is that top doesn't understand threads.  If Netscape is
running in ~25MB of memory space, but has six concurrent threads, then top
will just see each thread as a seperate process - even though the base
address is the same.  So it reports 150MB used when in fact it's the same
25MB six times over.
A bug in top, I say.  Maybe one day I'll research it enough to know whether
to file said bug or not.   Or perhaps someone here knows the real story?


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