Beldon on Fri, 2 Feb 2001 21:50:17 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Re: PLUG digest, Vol 1 #811 - 18 msgs

On Thursday 01 February 2001 10:37, you wrote:
> Can anyone give me some information on the organization? I am possibly 
> interested in attending some of the meetings but I would like to know some 
> things BEFORE coming. I would really appreciate phone numbers or email 
> addresses instead of a general posting from people causing this to drag out 
> for days. 

Ask your questions in open forum first, and we'll be happy to answer.  This 
is standard protocol and the polite thing to do.

Personally, I can't imagine what you might need to ask in private.  However, 
our web site has links to e-mail several of our members for contact.  Phone 
numbers are a tall order, though-- especially for someone whom we don't know 
from Adam.  

I don't understand your concern for "dragging things out" since, so far, your 
obstinate refusal to ask questions in a public forum is the only barrier to 
communication.  Trust me.  I know these folks.  They have no problem being 

I highly suggest you read the FAQ first though.  You may find your answers 

Version: 3.1
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For translation:

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