Beldon on Thu, 15 Mar 2001 21:05:49 -0500 |
On Thursday 15 March 2001 14:52, you wrote: > The chinese place we ate at last night was called "Southeast", right ? > What's the phone # ? And what was the name and phone number of the bar > type place we've eaten at ? South East Restaurant 1000 Arch St Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 629-1888 -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GIT/MU/CS/PA d s:++ a C++ UA$ P+++ L++>++++ E W++ N++ o-- K w--- O- M+ V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP+ t+ 5-- X- R* !tv b++ DI++ D+ G++ e+ h--- r+++ y++++ -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK------- For translation: ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -