Beldon on Mon, 2 Apr 2001 21:40:13 -0400 |
I have found someone who says he is interested in attending meetings and will be our "sponsor" at CIGNA after I'm gone. He also thinks he can find some others who would be interested as well, so he's not the only one. His name is James Gerber and until a few weeks ago he worked in Voorhees, like I do. He transferred to a position based in Philly at TLP and a friend of mine suggested him as a possible. So I called and he said he'd be interested. I'll get more details as they become available (i.e. who else will be contacts). He won't be at this week's meeting (I don't think) but we should see him at the next one. At any rate, he's cool for after July's meeting. I'll get him in touch with Chris and Darxus off-line just so he has points of contact within the group. -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GIT/MU/CS/PA d s:++ a C++ UA$ P+++ L++>++++ E W++ N++ o-- K w--- O- M+ V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP+ t+ 5-- X- R* !tv b++ DI++ D+ G++ e+ h--- r+++ y++++ -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK------- For translation: ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -