Michael Leone on Fri, 6 Apr 2001 16:10:21 -0400 |
> On 04/06, Walt Mankowski wrote: > > I don't have any problem with job postings to the list, but can they > > at least be for Unix/Linux jobs? I think many of us got into Linux to > > avoid most of the everyday NT tasks you listed. Well, most places these days use multiple OSes (shoot, we have 5 OSes in use here, and that's just the servers ... and we only have 60-70 people in the company). Homogenous shops (i.e., only 1 OS in the whole company) are in the minority, these days. BTW ... I assume you mean "using NT to do these everyday tasks" - you still need to do the tasks, whether with NT or Linux. :-) So the vast majority of jobs will almost certainly expect at least some familiarity with some other OSes than just Unix/Linux. Especially a support/help desk position like this one, which does list Unix support, amongst the NT tasks. ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements-http://lists.phillylinux.org/mail/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mail/listinfo/plug