Fred K Ollinger on Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:27:59 -0400 |
This is a (late) follow-up to the question on java. Sun does make the api quite open, but IIRC, the underlying sources are closed (which might be a Good ThingTM to some people as it stops people from depending upon 'hidden' functions which are subject to change with little warning). There is an open source java project going on, however. I believe that it doesn't have swing yet, but it does have the ability to use .class files anyway, so I'm thinking that maybe there may be a way to use all the copious java libs. However, this method would result in a drop into the OS VM which would give a performance his. Someone might want to correct me on some of this. Anyway, the compiler promises a compilation down to native bin--if you stick to the OS libs, which I find to be quite cool. Imagine giving users the choice: use the VM _or_ if you use a qualified platform, you can use the bin and get a performance gain. Fred Ollinger ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -