Mike Robbins on Sun, 8 Jul 2001 15:20:06 -0400

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[PLUG] IP Masquerade on kernel 2.4: "netstat -M" fails

Quick question:

I took a RH 6.2 box, compiled kernel 2.4.3, and set up IP MASQ through
iptables.  The masquerading works great.  Back on the 2.2 series and
ipchains, I could type "netstat -M" to see masq'ed connections.  Now, if I
do that I get:

$ netstat -M
netstat: no support for `ip_masquerade' on this system.

Same when trying it as root, too.  Netstat works fine for showing
connections directly to/from the box...  So is there a different command to
use for the 2.4 series?


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