Kevin Mudrick on Sun, 22 Jul 2001 12:30:05 -0400 |
I am having a problem decrypting a jpeg that someone using PGP 7.0.3 on a mac is sending me. i do: gpg -o file.jpg --decrypt file.jpg.pgp which seems to work fine, except when i go to view the image (using gimp or gqview), the file is "unknown". any ideas on what might be the problem? is there a pgp/gpg compatibility problem with encryption/decryption of files? is it in some weirdo mac version of jpeg? i dunno. any suggestions would be appreciate. thanks, kevin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (kevin mudrick) ( ( pgp key available at =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "I only smile in the dark, I'm only happy when it's complicated..." - Garbage ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -