gabriel rosenkoetter on Fri, 3 Aug 2001 14:50:06 -0400 |
A reply from Rafael (who was at the meeting Wednesday but wasn't subscribed to the mailing list when this question went out, though he is now). He deals with Dell quasi-regularly. -- ~ g r @ ----- Forwarded message from Rafael Hinojosa <> ----- From: Rafael Hinojosa <> Subject: Re: [PLUG] what's wrong with Dell? (fwd) Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 10:34:57 -0400 (EDT) To: gabriel rosenkoetter <> Delivered-To: In-Reply-To: <> [clip] AFAICT, Dell doesn't seem to be offering any more SMP (Symetric Multi Processing, yes ?) desktops; you'll have to be looking for server inorder to find `em... The 1400SC, with very little tweaking (2 processors & RedHat) will average a tad abover $3000. Scratch that comment about no dual desktop systems, I found them... I did get the E-Value <?> code the first time I attempted it, but it didn't return the second time. Dell's E-Value it for small business to references system configurations listed in their catalogs. It is odd that it would ask you for the code before letting you continue. I'd try it again... My guess is that Dell's commerce site is just having some problems today. --Raf ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rafael A. Hinojosa ----- End forwarded message ----- ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -