Michael Leone on Mon, 17 Sep 2001 21:55:33 -0400

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RE: [PLUG] SSH question

On Mon, 2001-09-17 at 21:37, Mike Pflugfelder wrote:
> Hey, I've never done this before, but something doesn't seem right...
> You copied the identity.pub files to root's home directory.
> Are you then using the -l turgon flag as the username to log in as?
> Shouldn't you be either putting the files in the ~turgon/.ssh directory, or
> trying to log in as root???
> Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

No, you were right. I had tried it as both root, and as user turgon,
then stupidly mixed up the references in the email. I had copied root's
key to remote root's account, and user turgon's key to remote user
turgon's account. Unfortunately, when I copied the keys, I mistyped
"authorized_keys". Stupid, ain't I? :-(

Anyway, as I recently sent, I *am* now being prompted for the passphrase
(as user turgon), but not the user ID/password.


Michael J. Leone                  Registered Linux user #201348 
<mailto:turgon@mike-leone.com>    ICQ: 50453890     AIM: MikeLeone

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