kaze on Wed, 10 Oct 2001 16:20:20 +0200 |
Maybe the fictitious marketing person _purposely_ released it as a .doc as a kind of marketing flame, to stir up ire and debate and bring more people and awareness to the event. The few marketing people I've supported I would categorize as having a knowledge level just above the one we label as "just enough to be dangerous." The real marketing people who do and should be at the receiving end of our annoyance (and PLUG posting wrath) are the Microsoft marketers who thru money skillz and other ways get monopolies with second-best technology and create closed _defacto_ standards as part of their business and marketing plans. (One the flipside, though way bloated MS Word is a powerful tool.) ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements-http://lists.phillylinux.org/mail/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mail/listinfo/plug