paul on Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:10:09 +0100

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Fw: Re: [PLUG] Gimp Question...

> Thanks.  8-)  I just tested that guess.  In a JPG file, the text anti-
> aliasing works.  In a GIF file, the text anti-aliasing did NOT work.

Sure, because JPEG defaults to enough bits of color to allow

PNG with only 8bits of color probably doesn't anti-alias either.
(Unless it includes an alpha channel in 8bits, which would be
totally weird.)

> Any file that is being edited and saved multiple times should be 
> in XCF format.  Then, you can just do a "save as" to convert the file 
> to JPG, GIF, or PNG.  (Before converting to GIF format you have to 
> change the mode to indexed, which reduces the color palette to 256 
> colors.)

PNG and TIFF are actually a perfectly good working format, and will
reliably open everywhere. (There are plenty of times I've been
working on something in both Photoshop on a mac and the Gimp on a
Solaris/NetBSD/Linux machine.) Oh, hrm, but not if you're using
layers. Yech.

OK, maybe an original should be stored as a TIF.  Editing should be 
done in the editors native, lossless format, such as XCF.  Then, the 
completed file could be saved in a compressed format such as JPG, PNG, 
or GIF.

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