Bill Jonas on Wed, 12 Dec 2001 02:30:36 +0100 |
On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 11:07:41AM -0500, M. Jackson Wilkinson wrote: > Is there a way to set up mutt to use this alternative from: line and > possibly a different .signature file when in the =Bowdoin mailbox, or > something similar? In addition to what the others have said, be sure to set your alternates variable to reflect all the email addresses you'll be using. For example: $ grep alternates ~/.muttrc set alternates=".*" It's a simple regular expression. The manual doesn't say much else. You'd probably want to set it to something like "|". This is so that mutt will be able to do things like tell you in the index display if a message was addressed to you, keep your address out of a group reply, etc. -- Bill Jonas * * Developer/SysAdmin for hire! See Attachment: