on Sat, 15 Dec 2001 12:50:12 +0100

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[PLUG] MUTT script

Here, for those that expressed an interest, is a simple 
perl script I call "xmutt".  

I created it because just putting mutt in an xterm at the push of a 
button creates multiple copies without warning.  xmutt will simply
display a pop-up box (because it finds the lock file) instead of
firing up another copy.
It has worked great for me since I created it in October.

In KDE I went to the panel and right clicked....

      Panel->Add->Non-KDE Application

I then directed it to my xmutt script and changed the icon to the
attached.  Now, when I want mutt, I push a button.  

Simple but it works.

Comments/suggestions welcome.


#  PROGRAM:  xmutt
#  DESCR:  runs mutt inside a confugred xterm.
#  REQUIREMENTS:  Got perl?  Got perl/tk?
#  NOTES:  
#  DATE     WHO      WHAT
# --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------------
# 10.10.01  EAL  +Wrote it... 
use Tk ;
use Tk::Dialog ;

my $XTOPT = "-geometry 100x60-0+0 -fn 9x15 +sb -e " ;

$LOCKFILE = "~/.xmutt-lock" ;

if ( -f $LOCKFILE ) {
   $wMain = MainWindow->new;
   $fStatus = $wMain->Frame( -relief => 'groove'
                      )->pack(-side => 'bottom',
                              -expand => 1,
                              -fill => 'x');
      $Info = "\n\tXmutt is already running\t\n" ;
   $fStatus->Label(-textvariable => \$Info,
               -relief => 'groove',
               -borderwidth => 3,
               -justify => 'left',
               -foreground => 'blue'
              )->pack(-side => 'top',
                      -expand => 1,
                      -fill => 'x');
   $fStatus->Button(-text => "OK", 
                -command => sub { $wMain->destroy() ; } 
               )->pack(-side => 'bottom',
                       -expand => 1);
   exit 0;
   qx| touch $LOCKFILE | ;
   qx| /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm.real $XTOPT ~/bin/mutt &| ;
   qx| rm $LOCKFILE | ;

#   Eric Allan Lucas 
# "Oh, I have slipped the surly bond of earth
#  And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings..
#              -- John Gillespie Magee Jr.

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Description: Binary data