William Shank on Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:31:30 -0500

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RE: [PLUG] Dumb (?) drive question

 i assume you have /usr and /usr/local under the / partion (not on it's own
partition). while it is possible to move / it's best not to try unless you
are an expert. you would need to make sure that you update your loader (grub
or lilo), have the bios configured to boot the other drive, and probable
many more things. 

now if you do want to just move /usr or /usr/local, that's easier, since it
doesn't fiddle with your boot process.

assuming you have the new drive installed, you'll need to partion it as
desired, adn format the new partions (ie: ext2, ext3, reiserFS, etc.). After
you have the new partitions formatted, you can mount them temporarily, under
say /mnt/tmp (ie: mount -t ext2 /dev/hde2 /mnt/tmp - i think this is the
right syntax - if not exactly, then very close). from there you can manually
copy the data - but ik don't know what this will do to symbolic links. one
of our more admin minded members may suggest a better copy option. once you
have the data on the new partion, unmount /mnt/tmp. unmount /usr or
/usr/local (whichever you were moving), change /etc/fstab to associate /usr
or /usr/local with the new partition. then mount /usr/local (or /usr). 

i think that's everything. but you may want to double check running linux or
another linux admin book.

good luck


-----Original Message-----
From: Tobias DiPasquale
To: plug@lists.phillylinux.org
Sent: 12/17/01 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Dumb (?) drive question

Jon Roig wrote:

> Hey all...
> I'm fairly new to the world of linux... and although I've been pretty
> pleased with myself for figuring out everything so far, this one has
> stumped.
> I'm using suse 7.2 and I've filled up one of my drives -- particularly
the /
> partition. So... I installed a spankin' new 20 gig drive and got it
> formatted, mounted, etc...
> Here's my question -- how the heck do I move that partition?

You don't. The root partition is not to be moved. What you CAN do, is 
move /usr/ or /usr/local/ off of the / partition and onto their own 
partition (possibly on the new disk). However, as far as I know, this 
cannot be done without a reinstall. Anyone know of a way to do this 
without blowing everything away and doing it again?

Tobias DiPasquale
Solaris System Administrator
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
Villanova University
mailto: anany@ece.vill.edu
tel: 610-519-5109

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