gabriel rosenkoetter on Sat, 2 Feb 2002 01:40:13 +0100

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Re: [PLUG] speaker beep question

On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 05:57:17PM -0500, Kevin Brosius wrote:
> The x in it's name implies it sets properties in the X-server, which has
> very little to do with whether or not it's POSIX compliant.  It's an x
> client app.  Of course, the neat thing is you could set your DISPLAY
> variable, and with the proper access to the server you ought to be able
> to turn the bell on and off at a remote location (from your headless
> box)...

Or play Kraftwerk's "We Are the Robots" from five Ultra 10s
simultaneously in the middle of a CS class on April 1. (Not that
that necessarily needs X, but it does need control of the console.)

Which only never happened at Swarthmore because I graduated before
I encountered another April 1 after I thought of doing it.


And I'm not convinced that xset's -b flag isn't just an ease-of-use
wrapper around control of the actual beep device. (Some of the other
stuff that it does is X specific. This isn't.) But I haven't looked
at the source.

gabriel rosenkoetter

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