Darxus on Fri, 22 Feb 2002 20:20:13 +0100

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Re: [PLUG] worms vs viruses

On 02/22, Jon Galt wrote:
> By the way, what exactly is a worm anyway?  I believe a Trojan is a

A worm is a self propagating virus.  Instead of waiting for an opportunity
to copy itself to another file, and then wait for that file to be
transferred to another machine, it actively seaks out other machines that
it can infect - generally through security holes in server software.  It
scans a network for servers running a vulnerable server program, and uses
an exploit to gain control of that server, installs itself on the new
server, and then continues from the new server.  

"Blessed are they who, in the face of death, think only about the
front sight."

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