Tobias DiPasquale on Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:30:17 +0100 |
Hi all, Found this on NewsForge this morning: I set up a mirror, as well, for those of you who just can't wait 5 seconds: It's very interesting, and debunks an age-old myth that *N*X OSs are immune to viruses. -- << T o b i a s D i P a s q u a l e >> | | Of course, in order to partially emulate an ASR-33, you could perhaps connect an IBM selectric up to your computer while running a looped recording of gunfight and an idling 58 chevy with one blown piston. For the final touch, you could replace the room's light switch with a dimmer switch and wiggle it back and forth whenever you are printing something out. -- Anonymous Coward, SlashDot, commenting about Caldera's release of some original UNIX sources Attachment: