Darxus on Thu, 18 Apr 2002 01:14:38 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] key-signing Thursday?

On 04/17, eric@lucii.org wrote:
> Also, how do I know who's participating?  John Lavin is the only 
> name I recall seeing so far.

New keys I've gotten since the last keysigning:

pub  1024D/679F68C1 2002-02-23 Robert Heise <siragtar@yahoo.com>
pub  1024D/2BA48C46 2002-03-29 John J Lavin Jr <jlavin@ccil.org>
pub  1024D/CBAC94EA 2002-04-16 Michael Bevilacqua <michael@clockbot.net>
pub  1024D/56C84DC3 2002-04-16 Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz@princessleia.com>
pub  1024D/742B67FE 2001-04-17 Eric Allan Lucas <eric@lucii.org>
pub  1024D/FE4BC82F 2002-04-18 Danita M. Fries <nita@digitalsylph.com>
pub  1024D/8477626F 2002-04-18 Mike Joseph <mjoseph@netaxs.com>

Today could be our largest keysigning so far.

If you want to participate and haven't given me your public key, hurry up.

More info:  http://www.phillylinux.org/keys/

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that
you do it." - Mahatma Gandhi

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